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Berean Baptist Church

Confess your faults one to another, and pray for one another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. (KJV)
James 5:16 (ESV)

Prayer List

Updated July 21, 2024

I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. (KJV)
I Timothy 2:8 (ESV)

email Please contact us with any changes or updates to the prayer list.

Deacon Lamar Thompson — teaching Bible Study

Sis. Paulawent home to be with her Lord July 10,2022.
Sis. Rosewent home to be with her Lord Aug. 19,2022.
McKenzie Raywent home to her Savior November 3,2022, she was 20 years, battled leukemia for 10 years
Allen Cullers(Kevin’s cousin) passed away January 31,2023, remember his wife, Julia, she’s legally blind
Donald “Hoot” Wadkins(Sis. Sherry’s brother) passed away, Feb. 02,2023; he lived in Indiana
Danny and Renee Harrison(Sis. Diane’s cousin) he had Parkinson’s disease, he passed away on May 19,2023
Bro. Tim ReddenWent home to be with his Lord Friday August 11,2023. he had Parkinson’s disease
Dot Leepassed away Aug. 24,2023
Steve Leepassed away Aug. 22,2023
Bobby Greshampassed away Nov. 15, 2023.
Janice Sidespassed away Jan. 25, 2024.
Pray For Our Nation
Pray for all teachers
Sasha Malovpray for the situation in Ukraine and the people there, live in Kyiv near the airport
Israelpray for the situation in Israel
Doug Bellis running for president of the United States

Audrey(Chris and Amber’s daughter, 4 year’s old) was diagnosed with Leukemia on 4/15/24. Audrey’s doctor said there is no cancer in her blood or bone marrow, the chemo is working. But she will have to take the chemo for two years.
Pastor Joey Millercontinued prayers
Donna Millerhad a place cut off of her face and sent off to see if it was cancerous; also had an MRI Friday on her knee
Bro. Kevinhaving his teeth fixed
Sarah Bell’s father, Joe Felkerhas stage 4 bladder cancer and is starting chemo treatment; he has come to live with them.
Demetrius(Bro. Doug’s friend) broke both of his feet in a fall; praying for direction to a good, sound church
Susan Braswellhas double pneumonia and heart failure
Sis. Dianecontinued prayers
Stephanie Ingramtaking shots of new medication that is helping with her migraines
Chuck Meadows(Sis. Sherry&’s brother) being rehabbed at Baptist South; slowly progressing; also need salvation
Ricky Strengthis in the hospital, his Alzheimer»s is bad
Carolyn Strengthno longer has c-difficile
Duane Claytoncontinued prayers
Buford and Beth Strengthcontinued prayers
Clai Mullins77 has a fast growing brain tumor (GBM), can’t walk, no control over her body; doesn’t know who she is
Lauren Sharich17 years old; 2A lymphoma cancer; radiation and chemo for treatments
Laura Campbellput in filters for blood clots so she can have her surgery June 25th
Jimmy Emfingerrehabbing a stroke on his left side at the Veterans Administration in Alex City
Kimberly Robertson-Hickswill check her on a regular basic for cancer because of the type she has
Kimberly’s motherhad pneumonia and was in Afib
Kimberly’s 9 year old son, Zachhas brain cancer that is in remission; will have a scan every 6 months, last scan showed cancer still in remission
Ashley NorrisSis. Lisa Walton’s niece. She has been diagnosed with an aggressive cancer. She’s 29 years old and has a husband and two little children. They don’t think the cancer has spread, has begun Chemotherapy
Julia Cullarspossible Alzheimer’s
Mr. and Mis. Rector (David’s parents: Denny’s friend) both are in bad health, tehry have called in Hospice for her
Paul Simon(Alistair Begg) prayers for his salvation
Jane Schaffenhas cancer (Dobie Hyde’s mother) needs salvation
Carla Lambertrecovering from a stroke
Sis Lisa’s mother at home, hospice has been called in
Randall Freeman (Bro. Denny’s friend) has a cancerous cyst in his lung; Dr.’s give him short time to live. Made a profession of faith
Sis. Columbiacontinued prayers
Bro. Tommycontinued prayers
Bro. Tim and Sis. Lisacontinued prayers
Lamar Godwin has bone cancer; ongoing chemo treatments at Spencer Cancer Center in Opelika
Terry Sergeant Denny’s friend has several health issues and not doing well at all
Denny Allen continued prayers
Mark Allen pray for salvation
Butch Beach (Diane’s cousin) served in Vietnam; suffering from effects of Agent Orange
Tristan Mann (Michelle’s son) continued prayers
Tiffany Mann (Michelle’s son) needs prayers
Gracie Thompson continued prayers
Ronnie and Michelle Dillard and Familycontinued prayers
Keira(Bro. Kevin’s stepdaughter) needs salvation
Kimberly(Bro. Kevin’s stepdaughter) needs salvation. She is bipolar
All the children and grandchildren continued prayer
Sis. Juanita Roye and son Steven continued prayers

Unspoken requests and our friends, enemies, and loved ones who need salvation
These we support